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3d printer Mendel 90

After reading a lot about 3D printer I decided finally to build one by myself. I went for the mendel90 hydraraptor based on the reprap project but with a much better design.

It prints with 3mm filament ABS and PLA.

The printing volume is 20x20x20cm which is quite a big volume.

Usually the first question: HOW MUCH IS IT: complete with shipment, filament and tools about 1.000,- €

Usually the second question: Where do I get it?

There are a lot of sources to get 3D printers. Here is a good overview. I got mine from nop head from UK. You can find the details here and the availability and price here. If you don't want to order from UK you can get it also from me. Just send me an email.

Filament for printing (which is on the fitting spools for the printer) one can get from reprapsource. A very detailed manual in english can be found here so you may have a look first before you jump into this project.

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