4-3-2-1 mindCrawler
Finaly we got a name for our project!
4 - schools
3 - countries
2 - technologies
1 - project
Earlier in 2014 I posted a blog entry about how to control a LEGO robo with your thoughts. During a SCIENTIX 2 meeting in Riga I met some collegues from Italy and Hungary and we decided to take this idea to the next level.
The involved schools are located in Bad Hofgastein, Klosterneuburg, Verona and Budapest.
The main idea behind this project is a cooperation between different countries. The schools in Verona and Budapest are already working with Lego Mindstorms and built two robots each. The robots were be equipped with a smartphone which allows a “first person view” from the robots perspective. Student teams in Klosterneuburg and Hofgastein have then been remote controlling the Robots in Budapest and Verona over the internet.
The remote controlling is not being done by keyboard or joystick, but with an EMOTIV EEG Headset. So the robots are remote controlled just by thoughts following this video: https://vimeo.com/83890726
There is also a Prezi available here about this project!
Thank you very much for the Projectpartners: